Former Staff

Staff members

MSc. Lukas Herret

Dipl.-Ing. (FH) Clemens Muchitsch

MMag. Brit Müller

Dr. Peter Palensky

DI Andreas Perner

Mag. Patricia Pörscht
Mag. Anna Tmej

Mag. Sabine Waldhuber

Mag. Roman Widholm

Doctoral Graduates

Dr. Wolfgang Burgstaller

PhD (pdf), 2007: Interpretation of Situations in Buildings

Dr. Dietmar Bruckner

PhD (pdf), 2007: Probabilistic Models in Building Automation: Recognizing Scenarios with Statistical Methods

Dr. Tobias Deutsch


PhD (pdf), 2011: Human Bionically Inspired Autonomous Agents – The Framework Implementation ARSi11 of the Psychoanalytical Entity Id Applied to Embodied Agents

Dr. Roland Lang


PhD (pdf), 2010: A Decision Unit for Autonomous Agents Based on the Theory of Psychoanalysis – Probing Models of Psychoanalytical Metapsychology in the Computational Framework ARSi09

Dr. Brigitte Palensky


PhD (pdf), 2008: From Neuro-Psychoanalysis to Cognitive and Affective Automation Systems

Dr. Charlotte Rösener


PhD (pdf), 2007: Adaptive Behavior Arbitration for Mobile Service Robots in Building Automation

Dr. Gerhard Russ


PhD (pdf), 2003: Situation-dependent Behavior in Building Automation

Dr. Clara Tamarit Fuertes


PhD (pdf), 2003: Automation System Perception – First Step towards Perceptive Awareness

Dr. Rosemarie Velik


PhD (pdf), 2008: A Bionic Model fur Human-like Machine Perception

Dr. Heimo Zeilinger


PhD (pdf), 2011: Bionically Inspired Information Representation for Embodied Software Agents – Realizing Neuropsychoanalytic Concepts of Information Processing Within the Computational Framework ARSi10

Dr. Gerhard Zucker (né Pratl)


PhD (pdf), 2006: Processing and Symbolization of Ambient Sensor Data

Diploma Graduates

Robert Bohrer

diploma thesis (pdf), 2009: Episodic Memory Based Self Localization and Orientation for Autonomous Agents

Benjamin Dönz

diploma thesis (pdf), 2009: Actuators for an Artificial Life Simulation

Robert Engel

diploma thesis (pdf), 2010: Goal Deliberation in a Bionically Inspired Autonomous Agent

Manuel Pascal Garcia-Tubio

diploma thesis (pdf), 2007: Integration of Computer Vision in Scenario Recognition by Means of Symbolic Processing

Rosi Gartner

diploma thesis (pdf), 2009: Wegplanung emotionaler, autonomer Agenten

Sigfried Götzinger

diploma thesis (pdf), 2006: Scenario Recognition Based on a Bionic Model for Multi-level Symbolization

Andreas Gruber

diploma thesis (pdf), 2007: Neuro-Psychoanalytically Inspired Episodic Memory for Autonomous Agents

Stefan Kohlhauser

diploma thesis (pdf), 2008: Requirement Analysis for a Psychoanalytically Inspired Agent Based Social System

Josef Mitterbauer

diploma thesis (pdf), 2008: Behavior Recognition and Prediction in Building Automation Systems

Andreas Richtsfeld

diploma thesis (pdf), 2007: Szenarienerkennung durch symbolische Datenverarbeitung mit Fuzzy-Logic

Christiane Riedinger

diploma thesis (pdf), 2009: Psychoanalytical Defense Mechanisms Applied to Autonomous Agents

Rosi Velik

diploma thesis (pdf), 200x: