First steps in the simulator

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Revision as of 14:14, 25 October 2012 by Herret (talk | contribs) (Vorbedingungen)
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  1. Eclipse und egit installiert
  2. Projekte importiert

Start Simulation

  1. Start eclipse
  2. Select the java perspective (Window→Open Perspective→Other→Java)
  3. For now, we want to start the simulator with the scenario selector. Right clock in class Sim.src.sim.ScenarioSelector-> Run As -> Java Application
  4. Scenario Selector GUI should be displayed
  5. select a scenario and press the button "Start Scenario"
  6. After a few moments, two windows (Simulator_GUI) should appear and the scenario selector should disappear.
  7. Press the button “Pause/Play” once.
  8. Congratulations! Sit back and enjoy the ARSIN agent roaming through its world!