Clone the ARSIN V01 Repository

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Revision as of 11:17, 17 January 2013 by Herret (talk | contribs) (Clone Code)
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Laufwerk S: anlegen (Windows)

In der Eingabeaufforderung folgenden Befehl eingeben:

subst s: "<Pfad an dem der Code abgelegt werden soll>"

Anschließend den Befehl in einer .bat Datein speichern um im Windows Startup Ordner ablegen

Clone Code

use the eclipse plugin EGIT or the standalone GUI TortoiseGIT

Add Projects to Workspace

  1. Open the first level of the repository tree.
    Git repo view.png
  2. Right click on “Working directory” and select “Import Projects”
  3. Select “Import Existing Projects” and press “Next”
  4. Select All projects (currently: DecisionUnitInterface, DecisionUnitMasonInspectors, DecisionUnits, ExtTools, Sim, TestApps, World)
  5. Press “Finish”
  6. Switch to view “Java”
  7. Wait until workspace has been built
  8. In the package explorer are eight projects visible plus the git related information [ARSIN_V01 master]
    After import.png

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