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Eclipse installieren

Eclipse downloaden und installieren (

EGit - Plugin installieren

Variante 1

  1. Run eclipse as administrator!!!
  2. Help→Install new sofware
  3. Select ”–All Available Sites–” in work with pull-down-menu.
  4. Enter “egit” in text box “type filter text”.
  5. Select Collaboration/Eclipse Egit
  6. Button “Next”
  7. Button “Next”
  8. Radiobutton “I accept …”
  9. Button “Finish”
  10. Button “Restart Now”

Variante 2

  1. Run eclipse as administrator!!!
  2. Help→Eclipse Marketplace
  3. Search for the keyword “egit”
  4. Select EGit Software (probably top in the list) → Button “Install”
  5. Button “Next”
  6. Button “Next”
  7. Radiobutton “I accept …”
  8. Button “Finish”
  9. Button “Restart Now”

Check Installation

  1. Run eclipse
  2. Help→Install new sofware
  3. Close to the bottom of window “Install”: click “already installed”
  4. Tab “Installed software”
  5. “Eclipse EGit” should be in the list